
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Online marketing: Google Would Allow Third Party Ads

Internet advertising is the revenue-churning species in the online marketing garden. Really. Perhaps that is why websites are experimenting a lot with online advertising avenues. The latest buzz is that the online behemoth, Google, has allowed third party ads on its content network.

Google is doing this because online marketing and Internet advertising have a very promising future. So the search engine Goliath has decided to accept third party ads on its content network through certified vendors. In fact, Google content network is a large group of websites and other products, such as email programs and blogs, who have joined Google to display AdWords ads.

Since, Google has just started it, so the third party ads will be available in English only but later Google content network will accept third party ads in other languages also.

According to Google sources, “this was a long standing demand from their AdWords advertisers who use third parties to create and manage their online campaigns.”

Sources further added that “by accepting third-party ads, we can attract a greater variety of advertising on the Google content network, which we believe will result over time in increased revenue for publishers and more relevant advertising for end users.”

Hence, it can be said that for Google, there is no stopping as far as innovation is concerned. Its game with online marketing would continue just like this.

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